miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

My PALE experience

The course I chose this Summer was "ICT for EFL teachers", in Limerick, Ireland. It was promoted by the University of Limerick Language Centre.

My first impression when I reached the city was nice, a typical Irish landscape and a typical city. But it was different about the campus. I felt like entering some sort of concentration camp. When I was shown my room, everything changed. It was a cozy place, and I was feeling like a student once again.

In the morning I met my classmates, wonderful people from Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria,... and Spain. Well, there were Spanish people all around.

The course completely satisfied my expectances. we worked on a wide series of techniques dealing with PC's. I met resources like Googlepages, BSCW, and so on. It was pretty nice.

In the afternoons I used to walk through the city, with other people from the course or on my own. I even went to Tipperary and walked around. A beer could do sometimes too.

All in all, I really recommend this course.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Insertando vídeo

Esta es la famosa carta a Santa Claus de Gomaespuma, pero pasada bajo el manto de Talía...

Primera entrada

Pues ya estamos liados otra vez con las bitácoras.
Espero que podamos aprender cosas nuevas y curiosas...